I really started this blog to help motivate myself to lose weight, but that hasn’t been happening. Why is it that we lie to ourselves? I am diabetic and I haven’t been taking care of myself as I should. I like to think in my mind that I am taking care of myself, but who’s joking who? I am not. Instead I feel as if I’m on a course of self-destruction.
So how do I break this course of self-destruction? I have heart disease that runs in my family, so that combined with the diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure, I need to change and it needs to be now.
I really thought that joining weight watchers would make me accountable, but it hasn’t. The first few weeks I lost weight, but now I”m back to where I started, so I quit. I also thought that the A to Z Challenge way back in April was going to help and inspire me, but in actuality it ended up causing me more stress, not to mention an allergic reaction I had to one of my own recipes! Why I sometimes forget I’m allergic to milk is beyond me!!
A couple of months ago I bought a new pair of running shoes. I have used them once. There was a time when running 3 miles was an everyday sort of thing… now I can’t run a block. So why did I spend $150 for a pair of shoes I’m not using? I really hate wasting money.
So where do I go from here? Actually I am not too sure.
I often wonder what will it take to motivate me to become healthy. If only I could take care of myself the way I take care of my dogs… now that would be something.
Photo Credit: BigStockPhotos.com